Free Download HamSphere 3.0

Free Download HamSphere 3.0
No additional hardware required, simply your computer, a electro-acoustic transducer, speakers and you're able to decision CQ on the virtual Ham Radio bands. Once you've got put in this Ham Radio Free Software package you may be able to communicate with thousands of Amateur Radio operators and radio enthusiasts from over two hundred countries round the world. Both Voice (Double Sideband) and CW (Morse code) is supported. The Free Software package works in Windows, UNIX system and macintosh or the other Java driven system. HamSphere may be utilized by authorized Amateur Radio operators and unauthorized radio enthusiasts. Features of the Ham Radio Free Software package Tranceiver The Ham Radio Free Software package Transmitter virtual output is adjustable between ten watts and a pair of.5 kilowatts. HamSphere covers eleven virtual Ham Radio Bands between 160m and 6m. The system doesn't emit any RF thus it's 100 percent safe to control in any country. you'll be able to conjointly use the inbuilt 48m Broadcast band to form your own shortwave station. Modes: DSB (Double aspect band modulation) and CW (built in keyer) Filters: 700hz in CW, 2.4kHz and 3.8 kc in DSB. AGC: quick and slow 6, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 48, 80, 160m bands. Band span: Usable information measure for every band is ninety six kc. Power: Adjustable between ten to two.5 kW. Simulation on/off (Turn off shortwave reality mode and use as a 2m like transceiver) VFO and memory mode (9 memories) DX Cluster
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